
As members of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA), as well as, the National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals (NABIP) we adhere to the following “Code of Ethics”.

National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA)

Code of Ethics

PREAMBEL: Helping my clients protect their assets and establish financial security, independence and economic freedom for themselves and those they care about is a noble endeavor and deserves my promise to support high standards of integrity, trust and professionalism throughout my career as an insurance and financial professional. With these principles as a foundation, I freely accept the following obligations:

  • To help maintain my clients’ confidences and protect their right to privacy.
  • To work diligently to satisfy the needs of my clients.
  • To present, accurately and honestly, all facts essential to my clients’ financial decisions.
  • To render timely and proper service to my clients and ultimately their beneficiaries.
  • To continually enhance professionalism by developing my skills and increasing my knowledge through education.
  • To obey the letter and spirit of all laws and regulations which govern my profession.
  • To conduct all business dealings in a manner which would reflect favorably on NAIFA and my profession.
  • To cooperate with others whose services best promote the interests of my clients.
  • To protect the financial interests of my clients, their financial products and my profession, through political advocacy.

National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals (NABIP)

Code of Ethics

  • To hold the selling, service and administration of health insurance and related products and services as a professional and public trust and do all in my power to maintain its prestige.
  • To keep paramount the needs of those whom I serve.
  • To respect my clients’ trust in me, and to never do anything which would betray their trust or confidence.
  • To give all service possible when service is needed.
  • To present policies factually and accurately, providing all information necessary for the issuance of sound insurance coverage to the public I serve.
  • To use no advertising which I know may be false or misleading.
  • To consider the sale, service and administration of health insurance and related products and services as a career, to know and abide by the laws of any jurisdiction Federal and State in which I practice and seek constantly to increase my knowledge and improve my ability to meet the needs of my clients.
  • To be fair and just to my competitors, and to engage in no practices which may reflect unfavorably on myself or my industry.
  • To treat prospects, clients and companies fairly by submitting applications which reveal all available information pertinent to underwriting a policy.
  • To extend honest and professional conduct to my clients, associates, fellow agents and brokers, and the company or companies whose products I represent.

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